What Do You Need to Know to Pass the Ged

This Math Study Guide is part of our GED Study Guide series.

Table of Contents

Studying for the math GED test tin be difficult. There's a lot to think, and if y'all don't know where to start, preparing for the test can exist tricky. But it doesn't take to be! Nosotros created this GED Math study guide to help.

If you're nervous about your GED math test, y'all're non alone! We'll help teach you lot how to pass GED Math and the other subjects with this free report guide. After reading this guide, take a free practice test so you lot'll know y'all'll be all fix to take on the GED Math test.

Frequently Asked Questions near the Math Exam

Is the GED math test difficult?

This all depends on how prepared you are. If yous've taken the time to study for the GED Math test, it won't be that difficult. The hardest part of earning your GED is making the decision to do it! Once y'all've done that, the rest is as simple every bit following this guide and putting along a fiddling time and endeavour.

What math topics practice I need to know for the GED math examination?

The GED math test covers some of the more important math topic that everyone who earns their GED should know. The general topics on the GED math test are Basic Math, Geometry, Basic Algebra, and Graphs & Functions.

How many questions are on the GED math test?

There are 46 questions on the GED Math test. These questions are split into the two parts; five questions on the first office and 41 questions on the second role. These questions are a mix of multiple-selection, multiple-select, drag-and-drop, matching, fill up-in-the-blank, and table entry. These question types are explained in more detail below.

How long is the GED math test?

Y'all will take 115 minutes to complete both parts of the Math GED exam.

What score do I need to pass the GED math test?

To pass the Math GED test, y'all only demand a minimum score of 145 points. Each bailiwick on the test is scored on a scale of 100-200, then you only demand to get about 45% of the questions correct in order to laissez passer.

Can I apply a calculator on the GED math test?

You practice not need to bring a reckoner when you take the GED. An embedded Texas Instruments ® TI-30XS on-screen figurer will be bachelor for some of the math questions. Questions on bones math skills such as multiplying decimals, adding fractions, using long sectionalization, exponents, and other foundational math skills will not have the onscreen calculator.

Is at that place a practice test I can have to see how much I already know?

Employ ourGED math do test (2019) to try some questions similar to the questions on the GED math exam.

Is there a GED Math book available?

Yep. Our Essential Math Skills workbook is a valuable resource for preparing for the GED math exam. This volume has a high rating on Amazon® where client reviews show appreciation for its focus on problem-solving skills instead of simply memorization.

Is in that location a formula sheet provided when I take the GED math test?

Yes. You can download the Mathematics Formula Sheet & Caption that you lot volition accept access to while you take the GED Math Examination.

What to Expect on the Math GED Test

The Math GED Test will be washed in two parts, 115 minutes in total. The first office will be v questions, and the second part will incorporate 41 questions. The math GED questions have a variety of enhanced question types:

  • Multiple-pick: This is the most common type of cess question. Multiple-choice questions enquire the student to cull one right answer out iv or 5 possible answer choices.
  • Multiple-select: This type of question is a niggling different than multiple-choice. Multiple-select questions inquire the student to select all of the right answer choices among a number of choices. Instead of having just 1 correct answer, in that location could be ii or more correct answers.
  • Backup-the-bare: This type of question asks the student to blazon their answer into a box after the question, or a box that is part of a sentence. In math, the reply is often numerical simply sometimes tin can be a written discussion or curt phrase.
  • Drag-and-drop: This type of question has "draggable" answer options. When the student clicks and holds on 1 of the draggable options, they tin elevate information technology to a "target" region to reply the question correctly. Sometimes there might be two or more than target regions.
  • Matching: This type of question asks the pupil to check a box when the information in a column matches the information in a row. For example, one column header could exist "true" and the other "false." Students would read the information in a row and bank check whether that information is true or false.
  • Table entry: This type of question is usually used for a table of values with two columns. Certain cells in the tabular array will accept a box where the student types in a number so that the table is correct.

Math is a broad bailiwick that covers lots of dissimilar kinds of math. But what kind of math is on the test? Here are sample GED questions with answers.

Basic Math

Numbers and the four operations--addition, subtraction, multiplication, and segmentation--is the foundation of math. This is called "basic math." There are many different kinds of numbers such every bit whole numbers, decimals, percents, and fractions. Bones math likewise includes exponents and finding square roots of numbers.

Effort to answer this sample GED math multiple-select question on Basic Math below.


Shapes are an integral office of math. The GED exam will ask questions almost different types of shapes and how numbers relate to those shapes. Acquire nearly circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones. Questions volition ask you about the area and perimeter of ii-dimensional shapes, and the volume and surface of three-dimensional shapes.

Attempt to respond this sample GED math multiple-choice question on Geometry below.

Bones Algebra

Algebra is an extension of bones mathematical concepts, such as add-on, subtraction, multiplication, segmentation, and exponents. The merely difference is that algebra uses letters, called variables, in place of certain numbers. When this happens, you have algebraic expressions and equations. The GED test will inquire questions about simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equations. Simplifying algebraic expressions, solving equations and inequalities, using the Quadratic Formula

Try to answer this sample GED math elevate-and-drop question on Basic Algebra beneath.

Graphs & Functions

Functions have to do with inputs and outputs of numbers. To exist able to demonstrate your understanding of functions, you lot need to know nigh the coordinate plane, basic graphs, part notation, and identifying functions. The GED exam will ask questions almost all these aspects of functions. Identifying points in the coordinate plane, graphing lines and inequalities in the coordinate plane, identifying functions, interpreting graphs, evaluating functions.

Attempt a sample GED math fill-in-the-blank question on Graphs & Functions below.

10 Tips for the Math GED Test

Preparing for the Math GED Test

1. Take and Apply Notes

Taking notes is a critical way to shift new data that's learned from the encephalon's brusque-term memory banking concern to the brain's knowledge vault. Use these three steps to meliorate your retentivity and solidify learning:

  • Take notes: Write downwardly information as yous move through cloth on your own or during classes. The act of taking notes engages you lot with the report textile across merely hearing, reading, or seeing information. When you take an action, more of your brain needs to turn on. You're doing something, so you're focusing more.
  • Get organized: Put your notes in logical order, or an order that makes the most sense to you. Highlight, circle, or underline of import data. As yous review and organize your notes, the information from the notes is refreshed in your mind and organized mentally.
  • Review information technology: Fill in your notes with any missing information. Make a list of the primal words from your notes. Listing whatsoever bug you're having with the material, or identify sections in your notes where the material seems unclear. Make an outline of the information so that you see the relationship of ideas and facts to each other. Make some other list or outline that includes all the information you feel you've really learned. Determine how you can use this new knowledge in existent-life situations. Now, review textile that was unclear, and you'll probably discover that information technology's clearer.

2. Study on Your Mobile Device

Exercise yous accept trouble finding fourth dimension to study? Like virtually GED students, you probably have a busy schedule! If you have a phone or tablet, you lot tin can have reward of a few minutes each day to report online for the GED exam or the HiSET exam. Fifty-fifty if you only have a fifteen minute break, many lessons are short then you can complete them during dejeuner or on your commute! Make the most of every minute!

3. Set Goals

A great style to stay motivated is to set yourself goals. Accomplishing goals volition brand you feel productive and like yous've achieved something as y'all progress through your studies. It's of import to celebrate each milestone on your way to taking the GED test. Brand sure your goals are:

  • Attainable: This means you should set goals that reasonable. Call back almost your reality and your schedule. What would be a reasonable amount to study each week? Don't set goals that are too hard to accomplish, but likewise don't make them likewise easy. Button yourself a niggling flake, but know your limits.
  • Measurable: This means gear up goals you can measure. These goals should be as specific as possible. Something like "I'll written report 5 hours this week" is easy to measure, simply something like "I'll get better at math" doesn't take a specific goal post. You desire your goals to assist yous run into your progress, so if your overall goal is to become better at math, peradventure set yourself specific goals that would help you accomplish that like "I'll study five math lessons this week" or "I'll complete the fractions unit of measurement this week." The more specific your goals, the easier they are to accomplish.
  • Inside Your Command: This means set goals you tin can control. "I'm going to pass my Math GED test in June" is hard to control. You don't know if you'll laissez passer or non. Instead, set a goal like "I'yard going to take my Math GED test June." That means you need to fix for the test by June and so you tin exist gear up to have it. Don't forget to brand smaller goals to help y'all get there!

4. Learn from Wrong Answers

Trying and failing serves a purpose! Getting the wrong answer gets your attention and gives you lot incentive to learn. It shows you where you demand to go. Understanding that a wrong answer isn't "bad" can help a lot. Many learners get frustrated with wrong answers, merely think of a wrong answer as a learning tool, another step toward earning your certificate.

So, how can you lot apply incorrect answers as learning tools in your studying? When you're studying a topic, don't be afraid to exam yourself, and don't exist afraid of difficult questions. Give answering your best shot, and then, if you lot go the wrong answer, find out why. Getting the incorrect respond will actually help yous acquire meliorate.

5. Study Every Day

Don't skip brain day! Think of learning similar exercise--if you sip a twenty-four hours, it's harder to get back the next day. Fifty-fifty if you but report for a few minutes, it helps build a routine and reinforces your mental pathways that help with retentivity. Make information technology a goal to written report--fifty-fifty merely for fifteen minutes--every day. This will keep your brain active and your memory potent!

Taking the Math GED Test.

half dozen. Read Questions Carefully

The most common reason for a mistake is that yous didn't understand the question. Read each question thoroughly--specially give-and-take problems, which can be tricky--to make sure you know what it's asking. If you're not sure, read the question once more to double cheque.

7. Eliminate Wrong Answers

If you're not sure about an respond, a bully way to narrow it downward is by eliminating the answers you lot know aren't right. This reduces the number of options, and improves your odds of guessing right!

8. Skip Hard Questions

If a question has you stumped, don't exist afraid to skip information technology. Yous can flag it and come back to it subsequently. You merely accept and so much time on the examination, so respond the questions you know you tin answer correctly get-go.

9. Translate Discussion Problems

Discussion problems are sometimes disruptive--there's so much information existence given, and it'due south hard to effigy out exactly what's the question is asking. Attempt simplifying it in your own words, eliminate unnecessary information, and rewrite it as an equation before solving.

x. Employ the Unabridged Time

Y'all have 115 minutes for the Math GED test. Don't rush through the questions--use the whole 115 minutes. If yous stop before the fourth dimension is up, become back and check your answers!

Online Math Classes

We make preparing for the GED exam like shooting fish in a barrel with ourGED Academy online study program. Online study is a not bad manner to do your GED prep! All your lessons volition be in ane, easy-to-access homeroom with personalized textile available 24/7. Study on your own terms in a mode that works for you! With GED Academy online, you can...

  • Report with your classmates! But considering you study online doesn't mean y'all take to study alone! Our online GED University provides you lot with a virtual classroom and tutor along with boyfriend students. These characters will walk y'all through each video lesson and share their struggles forth the way.
  • Written report on-the-go! You tin access your homeroom anywhere, anytime, so you tin can practise practice questions or take lessons on your phone during your lunch intermission, or while waiting in line. Take your learning with you lot everywhere, across multiple devices. Every minute counts!
  • Study on your schedule! You get to decide when to study. Fit your learning around your busy day. At that place are never any deadlines, and you can decide when to take breaks - no pressure. Setting written report goals is alway encouraged, only you're never penalized for non coming together them.
  • Study at your own pace! Nosotros understand that everyone's learning style and speed is dissimilar. Get your ain personalized, customizable learning program past taking the assessment test with our GED Academy. Your personalized learning plan will determine what lessons you need and which ones you don't. Your learning program volition adjust to y'all every bit you move through the course, giving you review lessons if you demand some extra assistance.

Are you ready to get started? Take a look at how GED University works.


Source: https://www.passged.com/ged-study-guide-math

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